Type of Rocker Arm


Rigid Type

All multi bodies are connected by fixed joint. It acts like one body.


Figure 1  Rocker Arm property page [Rigid Type]


Figure 2  Rigid Type of the Rocker Arm


Torsional & Bending Type

Multi bodies are connected by Bushing Force. It acts like flexible body.


Figure 3  Rocker Arm property page [Torsional & Bending Type]


Figure 4  Torsional & Bending Type of the Rocker Arm


     Bushing Property: If Torsional & Bending type of Rocker Arm is selected, this function is activated and defines bushing property data. For more information, refer to Bushing Force.

Figure 5  Torsional Bushing Property dialog box


Beam Type

Multi bodies are connected by Beam Force. It acts like flexible body.


Figure 6  Rocker Arm property page [Beam Type]


Figure 7  Beam Type of the Rocker Arm


     Beam Property: If Beam type of Rocker Arm is selected, this function is activated and defines beam force property data. For more information, refer to Beam Force.

Figure 8  Beam Property dialog box