Type-I Extreme Value Distribution


Maximum Value Distribution

This distribution is, referred to as the Gumbel distribution, useful when the right tail of the parent distribution  is not bounded, which is of an exponential type. In such a case, the distribution function can be expressed as


where  increases with x monotonically. The distributions such as normal, log-normal and gamma distributions belong to this category. The extreme value distribution for the maximum value, , is given by


where the parameters of distribution,  and , can be determined from the observation data. They are related to the mean and the standard deviation of the extreme value  as



Where  is the Euler’s constant.


Minimum Value Distribution

This distribution is useful whenever the left tail of the parent distribution is unbounded and decreases to zero towards the left in an exponential form. In this case, the distribution function for the minimum value, , is given by


where,  and  are the parameters of the distribution. They are related to the mean and the standard deviation of the extreme value  as



Where  is the Euler’s constant.