

This subroutine generates users defined soil force.


Language type

track_soil_force subroutine


track_soil_force (time,info,upar,npar,dird,dirv,disp,lgori,ngpos,ngori,ngvel,length,width,iflag,result)


track_soil_force (double time, int info[], double upar[], int npar, double dird[],double dirv[], double disp[], lgori[], double ngpos[], double ngori[],double ngvel[], double length, double width, int iflag, double result[3])


Parameter information is as follows.


     time: Current simulation time of RD/Solver

     info: ID of body & node

     upar: Argument list array

     npar: Number of arguments in the argument list array

     dird: Direction vector of a ground patch

     dirv: Velocity of a contact node relative to direction vector

     disp: Sinkage & shear displacements

     lgori: Global orientation of a track link.

     ngpos: Global position of a contact node

     ngori: Global orientation of a contact node

     ngvel: Global velocity of a contact node

     length: Length of meshed rectangle at a track link

     width: Width of meshed rectangle at a track link

     iflag: When RD/Solver makes an initial call, the flag is true(-1)

     result: Returned force vector and three dimensional array



Figure 1  Track vehicle  model using  track soil user subroutine


To see code about example, click here.