Three-Level Orthogonal Design


Three-Level orthogonal design is a fractional factorial of . For , the  fractional design first generates  full factorials for  factors. Then, the remaining columns are determined from the pre-generated columns. To do these, a defining relation is introduced as . The component of thecolumn is determined as


 where, .


As an example, we generate  fractional factorial design with  and . From the rules, the 3rd and 4th columns are and . These results are listed side by side in Table 1.


Table 1  A fractional factorials of  with  and


The above factorial design of  is only one of the  fractions of  full factorial designs. Among those  fractions, only the cases that are orthogonal between columns are the three-level orthogonal array for .  Hence, the defining relation for factors is very important to maintain the orthogonal characteristics in the columns.

We support the automatic generator for the three-level orthogonal array design. If one define the number of factors , the RecurDyn/AutoDesign automatically generates the  fractional factorials, where  is internally determined as possible as minimize the trials.




1.  Peter W.M. John, 1998, Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments, SIAM, Philadelphia.

2.  Douglas C Montgomery, 2000, Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley & Sons, New York.