Tension Sensor


This sensor has a mother body, a center position, and a range.


Figure 1  Tension Sensor


As shown in Figure 1, if a sheet body passes within the range of the sensor, the sensor output can be computed from the following equation.




: a tension force and the result of the tension sensor. If the sheet body has an acting compressive force, the result of the tension sensor will be a negative value. If the sheet body has an acting tension force, the result of the tension sensor will be a positive value.

: the local reaction force of the closest position of Revolute Joint in the range of the sensor.

: the global reaction force of the closest position of Revolute Joint in the range of the sensor.

: the reference frame of the closest position of Sheet Segments in the range of the sensor.


Figure 2  Tension Sensor icon of the Sensor group in the MTT2D tab