Style Option


     Color option: Selects a color from Blue to Red

    This option sets the first and last color of Band level in legend.


     Colors: Selects a type to full colors in the contours. (The default is Spectrum.)

    In the Gray Scale type, only gray colors are used.


     Style: Selects a contour style. (The default is Wire.)

    The Wire type displays a line contour.

    The Smooth type displays a continuous contour on a Flexible body.

    The Stepped option displays a stepped contour.


     Text Color: Selects a color of text. (The default is yellow.)

     Exceed Max Color: Selects a color to express values greater than the max value user defined.

     Less than Min Color: Selects a color to express values smaller than the min value user defined.

     Mesh Lines: Displays the mesh lines of FFlex body and edits their color. (The default is unchecked.)



The Exceed Max Color function and Less than Min Color function can be used when the Type of Min/Max option is user -defined.