Step to execute FRA


Figure 1  Example mode for FRA


1.  Prepare a Model

2.  Define the input and output by selecting markers in the Excitation Loads for RFlex and/or Rigid Body.



Figure 2  Definition of FRA Excitation Loads


①  Click the Exc.RFlex icon of the FRA group in the Flexible tab.

②  Click Add in Input Channel group.

③  Click M and then select a marker for input.

④  Select the Type as FX, FY, FZ, TX, TY and TZ.

⑤  Click Output Channel group

⑥  Click M and then select a marker for output.

⑦  Select the Type as TX, TY, TZ, RX(Roll), RY(Pitch), RZ(Yaw), VX, VY, VZ, WX, WY, WZ, ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ, WDTX, WDTY, WDTZ, TM, VM, WM, ACCM, and WDTM.

⑧  Click OK.


3.  Set Start /End Frequency and Step.


Figure 3  Definition of Frequency Response Analysis


4.  Draw the result.


Figure 4  Drawing FRA Plot