Step to create the particles


1.  Double click the domain.



2.  Adjust click.



3.  All objects check and OK click.



4.  Click the Fill and

5.  Click the Next.



6.  Click the Manage physical properties…

7.  Click the ‘+’.

8.  Click the Fluid.

9.  Click the Close.


10. Through same method, add the Polygon wall.



11. Set the Unit and Particle Settings and click the Finish.



12. Check the Preprocess and click Finish.


How to make transparent body



1.  Click the  button.



2.  Check the Simulation and determine the number of cores for using and if you want to use GPU, Check GPU.



If you change something, you must simulation action in particleworks, because changed something is reflected in simulation.


3.  If simulation is start, check that “MPS-Solver_GPU.[***].log” file was created in project folder \scene\result. RecurDyn needs this file to sue the GPU and the number of core.



4.  Stop the particleworks simulation. Click the lower right part