Step III (In Master Program)


Step to design the control system

The control system can be designed in various tools. Please use the tools after conforming supported tools. Click here.


Note: specific parameter setting for FMI master supporting the endless simulation.

When FMI master does not support the setting the “stopTimeDefined” with interface function of FMI. RecurDyn Slave FMU need to set the end time for simulation using the Master Editor.


Example) In case of SimulationX.

After Importing the RD FMU made using the RecurDyn FMI export function, The value of specific parameter (“RD_StopTimeDefined”) have to set with the value of same simulation end time (“timeout”) of FMU master SimulationX.

Also, the value of interface step size parameter (“InterfaceStepSize”) have to set with the value of same communication step size (“tc”) of FMU master SimulationX.