Step III_2 (In User-defined Program)


Step to design control system

1.  Run the Microsoft Visual Studio.

2.  Create a new project from the File Menu.


Figure 1  File Menu


3.  Open the New Project window as shown.

4.  Select "Win32 Console Application"

5.  Define the Location as new working directory.


Figure 2  New Project dialog box


6.  Select the option as "Empty project" of the Console Application.


Figure 3  Select the option of Console Application


7.  The sample test code is provided in the RecurDyn installation directory “<install dir>\Help\Examples\General_CoSim\”.

8.  Copy the sample test code(CoSim_Test_RD_Operator.cpp) from the directory paste to the working directory.


9.  The library and DLL files are provided in the RecurDyn installation directory “<install dir>\Toolkits\Controls\General10\”.

10. Copy the library file(CoSim_Operator.lib), DLL file(CoSim_Operator.dll) and header file(CoSimGeneral.h) from the directory paste to the working directory.

     Note: If you want to see functions provided by the library file(CoSim_Operator.lib), DLL file(CoSim_Operator.dll) and header file(CoSimGeneral.h), click here.


Figure 4  New working directory


11. Add an example source file (CoSim_Test_RD_Operator.cpp) from a working directory.


Figure 4  Add an example source file


12. Change the solution platform to x64.

Figure 5  Change the platform


13. Link the CoSim_Operator.lib in your project. (This file contains the interface functions such as a RunRecurdyn, CommunicateRecurDyn, CloseRecurDyn functions)


Figure 6  Link Library Files


14. Add an header file (CoSimGeneral.h) from a working directory.


Figure 7  Add an header file


15. Implement your own codes in this source file (CoSim_Test_RD_Operator.cpp).

16. Create your EXE file by using the "Rebuild Solution” option of Visual Studio.