Specification of MMS Type C (One-step, Two-step)


Simple diagram of One-step and Two-step spring


Figure 1  Simple diagram of One-step and Two-step spring


Internal Parameter

The internal parameters are calculated in Solver. It means that the user cannot confirm the internal parameters directly in GUI. However, the internal parameters can be confirmed in post processor using Request function in Subentity menu.


Figure 2  Internal parameter


Model variable for One-Step spring

Figure 3  Model variable for One-Step spring


Model variable for Two-Step spring

Figure 4  Model variable for Two-Step spring


Nonlinear characteristics

Figure 5  Characteristics of K1 and K2



Figure 6  Characteristics of natural frequency



Figure 7  Characteristics of stiffness according to spring length



Figure 8  Nonlinear characteristics


     Nonlinear characteristics of Kh1 for One-Step and Two-Step spring


     Nonlinear characteristics of Kh2 for One-Step and Two-Step spring


     Nonlinear characteristics of Ks for Two-Step spring


     Damping Coefficient


Initial condition & position

Figure 9  Initial Position