Solver Settings


The user can control the parameters related to EHD Pressure Convergence.


Figure 1  Solver Setting dialog box


     Maximum Iteration: The Maximum number of iterative calculations to converge the EHD pressure that is calculated numerically with the iterative method.

     Maximum Error: A condition determining whether or not the EHD pressure is converged.

     Under Relaxation Factor (α): A coefficient used to update the EHD pressure in the Iterative calculation.

EX) Pnew =Pold + αΔP

     Hydro. Force Jacobian Interval: A interval step for jacobian evaluation resulting from hydrodynamic force. Default value is set to 10. This value is purpose of reducing simulation time by computing hydrodynamic force jacobian by the time step of this value.

     Use Converged Results: Generalized force by piston lubrication is assumed explicitly by previous step in order to reduce computational time of it. This function is effective under the circumstance that time step is very small. RD solver activates this function in the case that time step is lower than ‘step size criteria’



If the user increases Maximum Iteration or decrease Maximum Error, the user can obtain numerically the more exact EHD pressure. But the simulation time can be longer.

In the case of model involving strong nonlinearity, the user needs to choose small values for Under Relaxation Factor. But the simulation time can be longer.