Snap to Entity

It is useful when selecting entities easily using mouse on the Working Window.


Figure 1  Snap to Entity icons in the Select Toolbar


Snap to Grid

It selects points of the grid.


Snap to Geometry

It selects geometric entities included in the geometry when navigating a point.

     When this function is activated, the user can select all vertices in geometries during navigating a point.

     When this function is inactivated, the program ignores all vertices in geometries. It is useful when navigating a point like marker or parametric point where there is a lot of cad geometries.


Snap to Node

It selects nodes included in the flexible bodies when navigating a point.

     When this function is activated, the user can select all nodes in flexible bodies during navigating a point.

     When this function is inactivated, the program ignores all nodes in flexible bodies. It is useful when navigating a point like marker or parametric point where there is a lot of nodes of flexible body.