Sliding and Stiction Friction


This defines the friction force which contains stiction algorithm on the translational joint. Include Friction option in Joint property page must be checked and Sliding and Stiction is selected to use the friction force.


Figure 1  TraJoint property page [Sliding & Stiction type]


Figure 2  Translational Joint Friction dialog box



Figure 3 Configuration of Sliding and Stiction Friction Force on Translational Joint


The frictional torque is calculated according to the following equation:




Figure 4 Detail of Overlap Mode and Delta


Where, the inputs into the equation are defined in the following table:

Current Friction Coefficient

The coefficient of friction calculated during the simulation is a function of the relative velocity between body surfaces.

Static Friction Coefficient

The coefficient of friction is zero at a zero velocity, but it smoothly transitions to the static coefficient of friction at Absolute Threshold Velocity ().



Checks Stiction or Sliding

For more information, click here.


A constant frictional force that acts during the entire simulation.

Reaction Force

The force in the joint calculated during the simulation in the direction normal to the translational axis.

Torsional Moment

The calculated torque in the joint about the rotational axis.

Reaction Arm

The average distance or radius from the translational axis.

Bending Moment

The calculated torque that acts at right angles to the translational axis.

Overlap Delta

A distance that starts at a nominal value and increases according to the translation of the action body with respect to the base body.

Overlap Mode


Selects Constant, Increase, or Decrease.

Maximum Friction Force

Collisions during contact as well as transitions during sliding forces can result in force spikes. High frictional forces can result from these spikes. This option allows a maximum friction force to be defined that should correspond to the maximum expected steady-state force.