Sheet To Sphere Contact


A sheet is contacted with the sphere geometry. The sheet is divided into several rectangular patches and the sphere is dealt with analytic equation. The edge or vertex of a rectangular patch of the sheet is contacted with the sphere geometry. If the sheet is contacted with sphere, the contact normal and friction forces are generated at the contact points as shown in Figure 1. The output force is the Base force which is acting on Base body Center Marker. The magnitude of contact force is equal with summation of forces of nodes on sheet.


A Sheet to Sphere Contact generates a contact force between a sheet and a sphere.

     The sheet and sphere must belong to two different bodies.

     The contact force can be not only linear or exponential but also nonlinear spline characteristics to the contact penetration and its velocity.

     The base sphere and action sheet are approximated as triangular patches and rectangular patches as shown in Figure1, respectively.


Figure 1  Example of a sheet to sphere contact