Rotational Spring

Figure 1  Scissor Gear property page [Rotational Spring page]


The input values are same to Rotational Spring supported as a Force entity.


     Translational Spring Input Option: Instead of inputting the stiffness coefficient for Rotational Spring, the user can input the calculated value from imaginary translational springs.


Figure 2  Imaginary Translational Springs


    Spring Number: Enters the number of translational springs.

    Radius: Enters the distance from the center.

    Translational stiffness: Enters the spring stiffness of translational springs.

    Update: The stiffness coefficient for Rotational Spring can be updated by clicking this button.

Figure 3  Input values for Imaginary Translational Spring



Eq 1  Equation of Rotational Spring Stiffness


Figure 4  An example for Update