To simulate a colink model, one file is required.
• The cll file contains the colink model data in an ascii (text) format. This file is created after simulation using the RecurDyn graphical user interface on a Windows-based computer. The information about this file is written to rmd file. You can find a block of data in the rmd file as shown below:
!== MODEL DATA FILE GENERATED BY RECURDYN MODELER==! !============= RECURDYN COLINK ===============! COLINK / , COLINKINFO = 100, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 , MODEL_NAME = 'closeloop_delay.cll' |
If using Julia Scrip blocks, please set up the environment variable that is needed for the RecurDyn Solver as follows.
• export JULIA_DIR=$RD_INSTALL_PATH/libJulia/julia-0.4.7
Also, for using Julia Script blocks, the jl file contains the model. The file is created when simulating the model in Windows OS.