Reassociation of RFI File


If the saved path for the RFI file related with the RFlex bodies is changed when a RecurDyn model included RFlex bodies is loading, RecurDyn cannot load the model. The RFI File Reassociation function relates with the changed path of RFI file again at the loading of RecurDyn model or in the Properties page of RFlex body.


Step to reassociate a RFI File

1.  Load a RFI file related with the RFlex bodies.

2.  If RecurDyn can not a RFI file, the message box appears as below Figure 1.

3.  Click OK then the message box for selecting the RFI file appears as below Figure 1. You can open a model to connect the RFI file. If the incorrect RFI file is connected, you open the model which is not connected with the RFI file. But, you can reassociate the RFI file in the RFlex Body Properties dialog box again after opening the model. For more information, refer to Select mode and FE Information.


Figure 1  RFI File Reassociation