RDF File Format


The format for Road Data File (RDF) has two types. One is a RecurDyn Generated Road File format, the other is a user-defined Road file format.


RecurDyn Generated Road Data File Format

This road data file is automatically generated by RecurDyn after simulation, it also can be imported by Import Road.

The following table explains the format of the Road Data file.



The information about the road in the general road profile format.




Conversion Factor.




Conversion Factor.




Conversion Factor.


Coordinates of the road origin with respect to the global reference frame.

x, y, z



A vector that indicates the upward side of the road in the global reference frame.

x, y, z



Transformation matrix which is oriented to the road coordinate system with respect to the global reference frame.

x1, y1, z1


x2, y2, z2


x3, y3, z3




Number of nodes (N)

Integer number of nodes.

Node_1, x_1, y_1, z_1

Location of Node 1.

Node_2, x_2, y_2, z_2

Location of Node 2.

Node_n, x_n, y_n, z_n

Location of Node n.



Number of elements (Ne)

Integer number of elements.

NodeA_1, NodeB_1, NodeC_1, U0_1, U1_1

Nodes which are consisted of triangle element 1.

NodeA_2, NodeB_2, NodeC_2, U0_2, U1_2

Nodes which are consisted of element 2.

NodeA_n, NodeB_n, NodeC_n, U0_n, U1_n

Nodes which are consisted of element n.




User Defined Road Data File Format

This road data file is defined by only user. So, RecurDyn does not generate this Road File. And it can be imported by Import Road on the Road Data group.

The following table explains the format of the user-defined Road Data file.



The information about the unit in the road file.


Definition of the length unit.


Information about road parameters.


Definition of the start position for the road data


Definition of the normal direction for the road data.


Definition of the driving direction for the road data.


Vertical offset to the ground with respect to the inertial frame.


Definition of the width between two outlines.


Definition of the road data points.


Definition of the position along the driving direction.


Definition of the position to the left side with respect to the driving direction.


Definition of the position to the right side with respect to the driving direction.




! road data file for RecurDyn road data !



LENGTH             = 'mm'



START_POSITION        =  0,0,0  $ definition of the road start point

NORMAL_DIRECTION    =   Y      $ definition of the normal direction of road data.

DRIVING_DIRECTION    =   X      $ definition of the driving direction of road data.

OFFSET                   =  -100      $ vertical offset to the ground with respect to the inertial frame

WIDTH                    =  500    $ definition of the width between two outlines.


$ direction    left       right


   0              0          0

   100            100         100

   200            100         100

   300           -50        -50

   500              50          50

   600              10          10

   700              0          0

   800              0          0

   900              0          0

   1000              30         30

   1500              0          0