Push-rod & Center-pivoted Arm


1.  Click Rocker Arm & PushRod Layout in the Valve Global Data dialog box. And then the user can see the following dialog box.


     Set up the coordinate system in Rocker Arm’s parts.


Figure 1  Push-rod & Center-pivoted Arm Layout dialog box


Figure 2  Push-rod & Center-pivoted Arm Layout


2.  Click Info in Rocker Arm layout dialog box. And then the user can see the following dialog box.


Figure 3  Push Rod & Center-Pivoted Arm Info dialog box


Figure 4  Rocker Arm Layout 1


Figure 5  Rocker Arm Layout 2


3.  Click Set Up Rod Lifter Parts in the Rocker Arm Layout dialog box. And then you can see the following dialog box.


Figure 6  Set Up Rod Lifter Parts dialog box


Figure 7  Rod Lifter Parts Layout


4.  After setting up all parameters, click Close in the Push-rod & Center-pivoted Arm Layout dialog box.