Property Groups


Property Group is associated with a particle set, a wall, and the particle system. The same Property Group can be associated with more than one entity.


Figure 1  Property Groups dialog


     Property Type: Selects the property type to add a new property group to the list of property groups.

     Add: Clicks the Add button to add the property group selected in the Property Types dropdown list.

     Delete: To delete an existing property group, clicks anywhere in the row of the property group and then click the Delete button.

     Name: Sets the name of the Property Group. RecurDyn identifies the Property Groups by name. The name for each Property Group must be unique, regardless of the property type.

     Data: Sets the property values of a property group. To set the property values of a property group, click the “” button in the Data column.

Figure 2 Property Group dialog of Property Groups


    Type: Property value in a property group can be 1 of 7 types.

int: Integer

double: Double precision floating point

bool: Boolean (Has value “Yes” or “No”)

vec2: 2-component vector

vec3: 3-component vector

vec4: 4-component vector