

Figure 1  Interpol. icon of the Analysis group in the Tool tab



Figure 2  Data Analysis dialog box [Interpolation]



     Interpolation Type: Selects a type of Interpolation.



    Akima Spline

    Cubic Spline


     Source Curve: Selects a curve.

     Plot to New Page: If the user wants to draw to new page, select Yes. If the user wants to draw to current page, select No. (The default option is No.)

     Add to Database: If the user wants to add a desired result to the database, select Yes. (The default option is No.)


     Use Default Curve Name: If you want to use the default curve name like “ADD(Acc_TM-Body1(mm/s^2), Vel_TM-Body1(mm/s))”, select Yes. If not, the Chart use the Curve Name.

     Curve Name: If “Use Default Curve Name” is No, Chart use this for a name.


     Number of Points: The default is 512. The user must enter a positive integer. If the user is preparing the curve for an FFT operation, RecurDyn/Plot recommends that the number of points be an even power of two (for example, 256, 512, 1024, and so on).

     Polynomial Order: Sets the order of polynomial function. If the user selects Polynomial of Operation Type, this is activated.


Interpolation Region

     X Axis Region

    Entire Region of X Axis

    Specified Region of X Axis: Set up Min and Max.


     Min: Minimum X value.

     Max: Maximum Y value.