

In this dialog box, the parameter is set for the frequency range. And the simulation is started by clicking the simulate button.


Figure 1  Frequency Response Analysis dialog box


     Start Frequency (Hz): Defines the start frequency of a simulation.

     End Frequency (Hz): Defines the end frequency of a simulation.

     Step: Defines the number of sampling data sets that are output for animation.

     Logarithmic Step: Input forced frequency is growing with logarithmic step. Default is checked.

     Animation Frame: Defines a natural number of frames for FRA animation in an input frequency.

     Amplitude Factor: Defines a real number for amplification of FRA animation.

     Max Number of Mode: Defines a natural number for generating FRA animation with selecting system modes.

     Include System Damping: If user check this option the system damping is considered.

     Include State Matrix: If user check this option, user can get a State Matrix result. For more information, refer to State Matrix.

     Export RSS: Exports RSS file as current option.