

Web tab defines the detail shape of the web. The Geometry Data and Tooth Profile tab refers to the Spur/Helical Gear Profile. (This gear Geometry Data and Tooth Profile are using all processor of flexible web gear)


Figure 1 Web property page [Web page]


The Web property page is shown in Figure 1. The parameters are explained below. In order to understand the geometry, refer to Dimension info.


     Web Geometry: defines the web width (Web Thickness) and web offset (Rim Thickness).

    Web Width: defines the thickness of the web outer.

    Web Offset: this value is applied in the direction that decrease from gear root radius.

     Hole Radius: defines the hub radius of the web.

     Hub Geometry: defines the hub width (Hub Length) and the hub offset.

    Hub Width: defines the thickness of the web hub in the width direction.

    Hub Offset: this value is applied in the direction that increase from the Hole Radius.

     Lightening Hole Geometry: Create a web with a hole as the inputted radius.

    Reference Radius: defines the radius where the center point of the lightening hole to be created is located.

    No. Holes: defines how many holes to create on the circumference.

    Radius: defines the radius of each holes.

Figure 2  table of Lightening Hole Geometry


     Dimension Info: Shows the web shape definition.


Figure 2  Dimension info dialog