

The user can modify the property of Bushing Bearing Type A Group in the following dialog box.


Figure 1  Bushing Bearing Type A property page [BBTA page]


     Journal Radius: Enters the radius of Action Body(R1)

     Clearance: Enters the gap between the Base Body and the Action Body (XB)

     Journal Width: Enters the width of Action Body

     Gap without force: The intermediate range that the displacement does not make the reaction force.

     No. of Node: The nodes are arranged with clockwise as a value which shares circumference at No. of node.

     No. of Strands: The number of elements along the axial direction of Bearing (1~5). Each stand can have different stiffness and damping values.

     Axial Force Component: If it is checked, the axial force is evaluated. Even though it uses the same force model and parameters (K & C) as the bearing force, both forces are independently operated.

     Pre Load: Enters an initial load that pulls the Action Body to the Base Body.

     Only Compression

     Only Tension


     Ko: Enters the stiffness at the zero displacement

     Kb: Enters the stiffness at the maximum displacement

     Co: Enters the damping at the zero displacement

     Cb: Enters the damping at the maximum displacement