

Figure 1  Timing Pulley property page [Characteristic page]


The Timing Pulley property page is shown in Figure 1. The parameters are explained below.


     Pulley Type: 2 types are supported in RecurDyn/Belt. For more information, click here.

     Number of Teeth: Enters the number of teeth.


     Flange Height (H): Enters the flange height of timing pulley.

     Pulley Width (Wp): Enters the width of timing pulley.

     Flange Width (Wf): Enters the width of timing pulley.

     Assembly Information

    Assembled Radius: Enters the radius with that the timing belts wrap the timing pulley.

    Radial Distance: Enters the radial distance between belt and pulley when the timing belts wrap the timing pulley.


     Full Search: If this is checked, all belt bodies are searched for contact with the timing pulley.

     Partial Search: If this is checked, belt bodies within the given bounds are searched for the contact with the timing pulley.

     User Boundary: Enters the range of boundary.