

The properties dialog box of the Speed Sensor has two tabs.


Figure 1  Speed Sensor property page    


     Mother Body: Defines the body on which the Speed Sensor is fixed.

     Sensed Entity: Defines the sensed entity by the Speed Sensor of MTT2D.

    If MTT2DAssembly is set, all sheets defined in the assembly become a sensing target.

    If a sheet body is set, only the sheet becomes a sensing target.

     Position: Defines the center point of Speed Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Point.

     Direction: Defines the direction of Speed Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Point.

     Range: Defines the detecting range of Speed Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Value.

     Color: Allows selecting the graphic color of Speed Sensor.