

The user can modify properties for the general roller such as geometry information, contact characteristics using GRoller property page.


Figure 1  GRoller property page [Characteristic page]


     Add Row: Adds a row to the end of the table.

     Insert Row: Inserts a row where the cursor is and move the current and later rows down.

     Delete Row: Deletes the row where the cursor is and move the later rows up.

     Clear: Clears the values of all of the cells in the table.

     Draw: Draws the defined profile as data to confirm the shape in Profile Editor dialog box.

Figure 2  Profile Editor dialog box


     Import: Imports the X,Y,R data pairs from a CSV file or MAT file or a text file. In case of the text file, a comma, tab or space can be used as a delimiter between the three columns in the file. From Excel the user can select the Tab-delimited text file output option or the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file output option to create a file that can be imported into GRoller property page.

     Export: Exports the X,Y,R data pairs to a CSV file or a MAT file or a text file.

     No. of Inner Contact Points: Defines the additional contact points in one workpiece. For more information, click here.

     Contact Parameter: Defines contact properties between the circle roller and workpiece. For more information, click here.