
Figure 1  Properties of CylindricalGear dialog box


     Assembly Reference Point (Gear1): Specify the reference point of bae gear for gear pair assembly.

     Gear Normal Direction: Specify the normal direction of gear pairs.

     Assembly Reference Direction: Specify the direction vector from gear1 center to gear2 center.

     Use KISSsoft Z12 Module Files: User can import *.z12 file itself and RecurDyn automatically generates gear pair geometry according to this *.z12 file regardless of user input parameters in CylindricalGear dialog. RecurDyn does not support all parameters of *.z12 file supported by KISSsoft. So if the user wants to use *.z12 file in RecurDyn as it, this function is recommanded.


Figure 2  Z12 Module Files dialog box


     Gear Force Type: Select a gear force type for the gear pair. There are 3 types.

    Inactivate: If this type is selected, there is no gear contact. An additional contact should be defined such as Gear Involute Contact.

    KISSsoft Force: If thie type is selected, RecurDyn co-simulate with KISSSoft directly to calculate the gear contact.

    KISSsoft Force (Meta Model): If thie type is selected, RecurDyn calculate the gear contact by using the meta model file.


Figure 3  Z12 Module Files dialog box