
Figure 1  Plot tab


Graph Type

     Color Map: It displays 2D graph of Campbell Diagram.

     Surface Contour: It displays 3D graph of Campbell Diagram.


Graph Option

     RPM-Frequency: Shows the magnitude value to the RPMs against frequency graph

     RPM-Order: Expresses the frequency using order by converting the RPMs against frequency graph. The following is the formula for the conversion.

    N = Frequency*60/ Ω (N: Order, Ω: RPM)

     Swap Axis: Swaps the X-Y Axis of the plot.


Order Line

     Draw Order Line: Specifies whether to draw the order line.

    Frequency(Ω) = N*Ω/60 (N: Order, Ω: RPM)

    Note: In case of RPM-Order Graph, the Order Line settings affects the Order-Axis. Minimum and Maximum Order becomes the range of Order-Axis. The resolution sets the number of data between each Order Lines.

    Line Color: It specifies the order line color.

    Brightness: It specifies the brightness of order line. It supports numbers between 0 ~ 255 (brightest).

    Line Style: It specifies the line style of order line.

    Line Weight: It specifies the line weight of order line

     Minimum Order: It is the beginning value of order line.

     Maximum Order: It is the ending value of order line.

     Gap: It is the interval value of order line.

     Resolution: It is the number of data between each order lines.

     Plot: Draws the Campbell diagram.