Piston Lubrication


An EHD Piston Lubrication is defined between two bodies. When the user does modeling the EHD Piston Lubrication model, RecurDyn/EHD should comply with the following rules:

     The cylinder part (Outer body) is set as a base body of EHD Piston Lubrication.

     The piston part (Inner body) is set as an action body of E EHD Piston Lubrication.

     If the Inner body is set to base body and Outer body is set to action body, incorrect simulation result shows up such as strange pressure contour.



Figure 1  EHD Piston Lubrication


When the user makes EHD Piston Lubrication including a RFlex body, the user

should define patch set as lubrication region respectively.


Figure 2  Example of EHD piston lubrication system and each patch set for lubrication region