

Figure 1  Piston example


RecurDyn/Piston is a special environment to analysis crank system which has only 1 piston and cylinder.


In RecurDyn/Piston, the Boundary Condition (BC) is applied to define the relationship between an engine block and a connecting rod. And the user can apply experimental data using the BC function. The position of big eye of connecting rod is defined by BC in time domain. The empirical formula was implemented for the lubrication between reciprocal components which are needed the lubrication effect such as contact, radial bearing, and sliding bearing


Step to run Piston System

1.  Define the pre-global data of an engine.

2.  Define the global data of an engine.

3.  Select geometries and connecting elements at the Component Builder.

4.  Define values of selected geometries and connecting elements.

5.  Build up an engine model by clicking OK.

6.  Run the simulation.