Patch Set Dialog Box


Figure 1  Patch Set dialog box


     Color: Selects a color to the patch set.

     Add/Remove: Selects patches to add or remove for a patch set.

     Add/Remove (Continuous): Selects a patch to add or remove for a patch set. RecurDyn/FFlex determines continuity of patches by Tolerance.

    Tolerance (Degree): Defines an angle tolerance to check patch continuity.

    Check Reverse Direction: If this option is checked, patches are selected regardless to direction of patches in the angle tolerance.


     Add/Remove (Select Front): Selects patches in front of the view direction to add or remove for a patch set.

     Add (Node Set): Selects a node set to add for a patch set. The patch set is defined patches of the selected node set.

     Tolerance: Defines the tolerance to determine continuity of patches.

     Preview Normal: Previews the normal direction of the patch set.

     Normal Adjust: Adjusts the normal direction of the patch set.


Auto Adjust: Adjusts the normal direction of the patch set automatically.

Switch: Switches from the normal direction of the patch set to the opposite direction.



Select Target: Selects the targeted patch set manually.

Switch: Switches from the normal direction of the targeted patch set to the opposite direction.

Figure 2  Using Select Target in Manual


     No. of Patch: Shows the number of patches included in the patch set.