PART I: Modification Rules for the General Cases


The following rules can be useful in many cases when the user encounter any problems with RecurDyn Solid Contact.


     General Rules 1. Action/Base Change Rules

    Rule1: A fixed body (if available) should be selected as the base geometry.

    Rule2: The body with the least unconstrained motion should be selected as the base geometry. The variation of the position and orientation of the base body is smaller than the motion of the action body. For example, a body which is constrained by a motion driver (or many constraints) has some advantages if it is selected as the base geometry in the solid contact. In other words, a body which has the lower number of unconstrained degrees of freedom should be selected as the base geometry.

    Rule 3: The bigger body should be selected as the base geometry. Relatively large geometry should be selected as a base geometry.






Fixed body:

Select the Box as the Base Geometry. The Box is fixed by a fixed joint. Therefore box is more stable than sphere.


Additional Comments: Even if the user selects the sphere as a base geometry, basically there is no problem. But in some special cases, this recommendation will provide the better performance and accuracy.


The body which moves less:

Select the Blue Cam as a Base Geometry. The cam-like geometry is constrained by a revolute joint and a motion driver is applied. Therefore the cam-like geometry is more stable


Additional Comments: Even if a motion driver is applied to a body, if the motion driver is very complex, it can make the body unstable.

Generally it is better to choose the body which shows the lesser movement as the Base Geometry.





The bigger body:

Select the large Blue box as a Base Geometry. The facet size of large geometry is larger than small geometry generally. And the motion variation of large mass is less than small mass geometry in dynamic analysis. Therefore the larger geometry is more stable in the dynamic solution.


     General Rules 2. Faceting Rules

The default plane tolerance factor of RecurDyn solid contact is 3, which results in reasonable facets for most contact problems. Consider the following for increased solution accuracy.

    Rule 1: Plane tolerance factor for the relatively small geometry is recommended as 4 or 5.

    Rule 2: Plane tolerance factor for the relatively large geometry is recommended as 2 or 1.








The Orange (Upper) Geometry is larger than Green (Lower) Geometry. Usually, the facet size of larger geometry is larger than small geometry. Therefore,

1) For more accuracy, decrease the plane tolerance factor of the larger geometry.

2) For faster simulations, increase the plane tolerance factor of the smaller geometry.


Additional Comments:  RecurDyn suggests that a plane tolerance factor between 1 and 5 be used in RD solid contact.




Generally Sphere-like geometry (Blue geometry) has many facets and Cylinder-like geometry (Purple geometry) has fewer facets. Therefore, increase the plane tolerance factor of sphere-like geometry and decrease the plane tolerance factor of cylinder-like geometry.


     General Rules 3. Bad Contact Result

When a contact is failed or a contact result is not good when using the default values, please try the following rules.

    Rule1: Try to apply the “Rule1 For Action Base Change” first.

    Rule2: Try Manual Mode (Direct GMP and LMP) such as PART II.

    Rule3: Check mass property. If the mass is too heavy (greater than 100 kg), increate the K and C. And, if the mass is too light(less than 0.01 kg), decrease the K and C. But if there exists other large force such as spring force or axial force, this rule can help the user or not.

    Rule4: Check the model configuration and change other contact parameters. This rule is recommended only for expert user.

    Rule5: Change the Integrator Parameters such as Maximum Time Step, Initial Time Step and Error Tolerance.