Output Data Export


The user can display (plot) or export the film thickness and film pressure with various options.


Figure 1  Output Data Export dialog box


     Oil Film Thickness, Oil Film Pressure and Pressure · Velocity: Choose Thickness, Pressure or Pressure · Velocity (Hydrodynamic, Asperity Contact, Hydrodynamic + Asperity) as a post-processing data.

     Export Types

    All: Exports all data for the selected data type (thickness or pressure).


    Figure 2  Output text file for All export type


    Angle base: Plots or exports the selected data after defining the plotting time and the circumference line as the following figure.

All Time: Result data is exported for the all of time step. If this option is checked, plot curve cannot be displayed.

Circum. Line: Specify circumferential line in order to check result.


Figure 3  Selected grids in Angle Base


Figure 4  Plot for Angle Base export type


Output Data File Format: Result data for selected grids are written by each column.

1st row: Radius

2nd row: Theta

3rd ~ 5th row: X, Y, Z

6th row : pressure or thickness at specific time for the current grid. (if All time option is checked, the results of every time steps are written in row order.)


Figure 5  Output text file for Angle Base export type


    Axial base: Plots or exports the selected data after defining the plotting time and axial line as the following figure.

All Time: Result data is exported for the all of time step. If this option is checked, plot curve cannot be displayed.

Axial Line: Specify axial line in order to check result.


Figure 6  Selected grids in Axial Base


Figure 7  Plot for Axial Base export type


Output Data File Format: Result data for selected grids are written by each column.

1st row: Radius

2nd row: Theta

3rd ~ 5th row: X, Y, Z

6th row : pressure or thickness at specific time for the current grid. (if All time option is checked, the results of every time steps are written in row order.)


Figure 8  Output text file for Axial Base export type


    Time base: Plots or exports the selected data after defining a grid by (start  index in circumferential, start index in axial - end index in circumferential, end index in axial). For example, If plotting grid is defined like (1,1 – 5,4), grids which has index below is defined.

[(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4)

(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (5,1), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4)]

Additional grid groups can be created by the separator ‘;’.


Figure 9  Multiple selection for Time Base export type



Figure 10  Plot for Time Base export type


Output Data File Format: Based on selected mesh grids, result data(Radius, Theta, X, Y, Z, Pressure or thickness) for the grid is written in each column by time step.


Figure 11  Output text file for Time Base export type


     The reference marker of EHD is equal to the base marker of EHD.

     If the user uses Output File Export, the user can obtain a file which has extension ‘out’. The file has the consistent data with selected conditions.

     The Mesh to the EHD analysis is generated based on the reference marker of EHD. Therefore, each position of nodes listed in the out file is expressed with respect to the reference marker of EHD.



The force result (FM,FX,FY,FZ,TM,TX,TY,TZ ) in Recurdyn plot file is only evaluated for the “action body”. They are evaluated w.r.t the “Base Marker of EHD”. Hydro indicates the force resulting from hydrodynamic pressure and asperity indicates the force resulting from asperity contact. “VolumeFlowRate_FrontEnd” means the volume outflow rate in axial direction at the end of the positive z direction of base makrer and VolumeFlowRate_RearEnd” means the volume outflow rate in axial direction at the end of the negative z direction of base marker.