

A contact force of a link and a bushing force (chain tension) can be outputted in Plot. The Chain output is summation value of multi-contact force between a sprocket and a chain-link.


Figure 1  Chain output


Figure 2  Assembly property page [Output page]


     Output: The outputs of selected links are shown in Scope and Plot.

    No: Shows the index of links.

    Check Option: If this option is checked, outputs are plotted.

    Name: Defines the name of belt bodies belongs to the link.

    SC: Determines Scope of each belt body.


Figure 3  Scope Entity dialog box


Name: Defines the name of the Scope

Entity Name: Defines the name of specified link.

Component: Selects the component of results of the specified link. The contact and elastic forces in the belt body reference frame are included.

Data RefFrame: It shows what entity is used for reference frame of selected data component. Most data component use the Ground.InertiaMarker for reference frame, but data component of connector use other entities because it’s easier to analysis the data.

Orientation: Defines the reference frame. The component is projected in the specified reference frame.

Display: If the user checks this option, the window of Scope is shown.


     Selection by Simple Rule: Allows the user to open the Selection dialog box to support a simple rule selecting many sheet bodies at the same time. For more information, click here.

     All/Nothing: The check boxes of all links in the list are activated or deactivated.