Option for the definition Analysis Response


1.  Basic

Figure 1  Analysis Response - Basic


     Result Output: The ‘EL’ button changes the dialog as ‘Expression List’. Then Allows you to select the expression related the performance index.

     Treatment: One can select the treatment option for performance index. There are ten options. That is explained in next chapter.

     Description: One can describe the analysis response in the ‘Description’ blank.


2.  FE Result

Figure 2  Analysis Response - FE Result


     Stress (Node Set)/ Stress (Element Set)/ Mass (Element Set): One can define the name of the node set or element set in the blank using navigation those on the Working Window from the ‘EL’ button.

     Treatment: One can select the treatment option for performance index. There are five options. That is explained in next chapter.

     Description: One can describe the analysis response in the ‘Description’ blank.


3.  Scope

Figure 3  Analysis Response – Scope


     Scope Name: One can define the name of scope in the blank using dragging and dropping a Scope from the Database Window.

     Treatment: One can select the treatment option for performance index. There are ten options. That is explained in next chapter.

     Description: One can describe the analysis response in the ‘Description’ blank.


4.  ProcessNET

Figure 4  Analysis Response - ProcessNET


     ProcessNET Project / DLL: One can define the name of ProcessNET project or DLL using ‘’ button.

     ProcessNET Function: One can select the name of ProcessNET Function for performance index using ‘’ button. The defined ProcessNET function must use ‘SetAnalysisResponseResult’ function of IModelDocument interface.

     Description: One can describe the analysis response in the ‘Description’ blank.