You need to place the license file in an accessible and secure location and set up the environment variable so that the license file can be found. With a formal installation, this document assumes that the license file is placed in the /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion> directory. With an informal installation, it is assumed that the license is installed in the opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion> directory under your home directory (as created with the rpmcpio command described in the installation chapter). Pick from the following two sections according type of installation that you have.
To place the license file in a location for a formal installation
1. Log in as superuser.
2. Type the following on the Linux console:
cp License.dat /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>
3. Log out as superuser.
To place the license file in a location for an informal installation
1. Copy the license file into the opt/functionbay directory under your home directory
cp License.dat /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>