The chain converts rotational power to pulling power, or pulling power to rotational power, by engaging with the sprocket. In general, a chain system employs single sprocket consisted of teeth and the main body named sprocket hub. Exact sprocket tooth geometry must be defined. The sprocket tooth geometry data can be created, edited, exported or imported from a predefined data file.
(a) Multiplex Sprocket geometry
Wt |
Width of Teeth |
Rw |
Sprocket Wheel Radius |
Ww |
Width between Wheels |
Pt |
Transverse Pitch |
Rd |
Dedendum Circle Radius |
Rb |
Base Circle Radius |
Rp |
Pitch Circle Radius |
Ra |
Addendum Circle Radius |
(b) Dimension information
Figure 1 Multiplex Sprocket