This informs the format of load data which is exported according to MSC/NASTRAN export type.

The following is the OUTPUT of MSC/NASTRAN and each component is described.










GRAV, SID, , A, N1,N2,N3

RFORCE, SID, , , A, R1,R2,R3

RFORCE, SID, , , A, R1,R2,R3, method,RACC

FORCE, SID, G, , F, F1, F2, F3

MOMENT, SID, G, , M, N1,N2,N3

Load, SID, S, S1, L1, S2, L2, S3, L3



1.  SUBCASE num1: Delimit and identifies a subcase.

     num1: Subcase identification number.


2.  LOAD = num2: Select an external static load set.

     num2: Set identification of at least one external load Bulk Data entry.


3.  OLOAD(SORT1,PRINT)=ALL: Request the form and type of applied load vector output.


4.  SUBTITLE= RecurDyn SIMULATION TIME = x.x: Define a subtitle that will appear on the second heading line of each page of pronter output.


5.  GRAV, SID, , A, N1,N2,N3: Define acceleration vectors for gravity or other acceleration loading.

     SID: Set identification number. 

     A: Acceleration vector scale factor. 

     N1: the x – linear acceleration.  N1 = ACC_X

     N2: the y – linear acceleration.  N2 = ACC_Y

     N3: the z – linear acceleration.  N3 = ACC_Z


6.  RFORCE, SID,G, , A, R1,R2,R3, method, RACC: Define a static loading condition due to an angular acceleration.

     SID: Load set identification number.

     G: Grid point identification number through which the rotation vector acts.

     A: Scale factor of the angular velocity in revolutions per unit time.

     Ri: Rectangular components of rotation vector that will pass through point G.

     Method: method used to compute centrifugal forces due to angular velocity

     RACC: Scale factor of the angular acceleration in revolutions per unit time squared.


7.  FORCE, SID, G, , F, F1,F2,F3: Define a static concentrated force at a grid point by specifying a vector.

     SID: Load set identification number

     G: Grid point identification number according to the joint or the force.

     F: Scale factor

     Fi: Components of a vector measured in coordinate system.


8.  Load, SID, S, S1, L1, S2, L2, S3, L3: Define a static load as a linear combination of load sets defined via FORCE, MOMENT, RFORCE and GRAV entries, etc.

     SID: Load set identification number.

     S: Scale factor.

     Si: Scale factor on Li.

     Li: Load set identification numbers defined on entry types listed above.