Modeling Options


The user can work fillet operation for one geometric entity by the following procedure.


     Solid, WithDialog

    Solid: Selects a solid geometry.

    WithDialog: Fillet Operation dialog box appears, and then selects edges. The fillet operation works by clicking OK in the Fillet Operation dialog box.


Figure 1  Fillet Operation dialog box [Add an edge]


Entity Name: Shows the name of the selected entity.

Add: Selects edges with fillet applied. After finishing operation of selecting multi-edges, the row is added for the selected edges.

Delete: Deletes the selected rows.

Clear: Clears rows.

Edges: Selects edges.

Radius: Specifies the radius of the selected edge with respect to the first surface.

Figure 2  Fillet radius


Add/Remove (Continuous): When using Add, if this option is checked, the connected faces within the degrees are selected together.

Tolerance (Degrees): The angle of between the connected two faces.