Modeling Options


The user can create three types of sheet. One is a straight type and the other is a folding type.


Figure 1  Sheet icon of the Sheet group in the MTT2D tab


     Point, Point WithDialog: This method is to create a straight sheet.

    Point: Selects a point to define a start point of the sheet.

    Point: Selects a point to define a direction of the sheet.

    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the sheet. The sheet is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.

Figure 2  Straight sheet


     MulitPoint, WithDialog: This method is to create a folding sheet. The folding sheet has a restoration force to the original straight state as shown in Figure 4.

    MultiPoint: Selects points to define a series of direction points sequentially. In this case, the Rotational Spring Damper (RSD) at folding points has a free angle and its value is automatically calculated. To finish inputting points, click here.

    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the sheet. The sheet is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.


Figure 3  Folding Sheet


Figure 4  Restoration force of a folding Sheet


     Curve, WithDialog, WithDialog: This method is to create a curled sheet.

    Curve: Selects a curve geometry that is created by Outline Curve or Spline Curve or imported.

    WithDialog: Shows the list of the several candidates to the point list to create a sheet in Point List Candidates dialog box. The data shown cannot be modified. The preview is supported by clicking a cell in the dialog. The selected list is applied by clicking OK.

Figure 5  Point List Candidates dialog box


Number of the Segments: Displays the number of the segments to the sheet.

Segment Length: Displays the length of each segment to the sheet.

Tolerance: Displays the absolute value to the difference between the last point of the curve and the last point of the sheet.

Figure 6  Tolerance between the last point of the curve and the last point of the sheet


Figure 7  Preview for the selected list


    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the sheet. The sheet is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.