Modeling Options


The user can create a marker by the following procedure.



    Point: Selects a point to define a position of the marker. The orientation of marker is same with the working plane.


     Point, Point

    Point: Selects a first point to define a position of the marker.

    Point: Selects a second point to define a position of the marker. The marker is created at the center position between two points.


     Point, Direction, Direction

    Point: Selects a point to define a position of the marker.

    Direction: Defines a direction of Z-axis of the marker.

    Direction: Defines a direction of X-axis of the marker.


     Curve, WithDialog

Figure 1  Preview for Create Marker


    Curve: Selects a curve. And then, the N division points of the selected curve are displayed with the Create Marker dialog box.

    WithDialog: Selects points to create markers in Create Marker dialog box. And then the markers are created with clicking OK.

Figure 2  Create Marker dialog box


Number of Points: Inputs the value for division and clicks Update.

Create: Checks the check boxes in the Create column and clicks OK.

Align Normal Vector: If this option is checked, in order to make the Z axis of generating markers align to the normal direction of the selected curve, the orientation of the makers will be changed.


     Solid(Surface, Curve), Solid(Surface, Curve), Predefined Point

Figure 3  Preview for Predefined Points


    Solid(Surface, Curve): Select a solid, surface, or curve geometry to find intersection points.

    Solid(Surface, Curve): Select a solid, surface, or curve geometry to find intersection points. And then the user can see intersection points between two geometries on Working Window.

    Predefined Point: Select a point among the displayed intersection points on Working Window.