

A MF-Tire is TNO Delft-Tire’s implementation of the world-standard Pacejka Magic Formula tire model, including the latest developments by TNO and Prof. Pacejka [1] and [2]. The MF-Tire’s semiempirical approach enables fast and robust tire-road contact force and moment simulation for steady state and transient tire behavior. The MF-Tire has been extensively validated using many experiments and conditions. For a given pneumatic tire and road condition, the tire forces and moments due to slip follow a typical characteristic. These steady-state and transient characteristics are accurately approximated by MF-Tire.


Figure 1  Steady –state tire lateral force as function of longitudinal and lateral slip, calculated using MF-Tire.


The MF-Tire calculates the forces (Fx, Fy) and moments (Mx, My, Mz) acting on the tire under pure and combined slip conditions on arbitrary 3D roads, using longitudinal, lateral and turn slip,

wheel inclination angle (‘camber’) vertical force (Fz) as input quantities. The MF-Tire is valid for large slip angles (typically over 30 degrees), longitudinal slip (100%), large load variations (including truck tire loads), large camber angles (including motorcycle camber angles; MF-Tire 6.x includes the functionality of MF-MCTire). It can handle road undulations that have a wavelength larger than the tire circumference and is typically applied for vehicle handling simulation.