Mesh Grid Setting


The user can control the mesh grid region and Oil Hole & Groove Effects.


Figure 5  Mesh Grid Setting in MEHD Type


     Circumference Node No.: “N”

     Axial Node No.: “M”


Figure 6  Defining Circumference Node No. and Axial Node No.


     Lubrication Grooves: If this option is checked, the user can give lubrication grooves effects.


Figure 7  Defining Oil hole and Groove Region


    Pressure [bar]: Defines the pressure value. The unit of this value is bar regardless of RecurDyn unit.

    Color: Displays selected nodes as this color if the user checks View Nodes.

    Update Profit Mesh Grid: Updates the mesh grid number as the groove region.

    View Mesh Grid: Shows the mesh grid in the Working Window.


Figure 8  View Mesh Grid