Mesh Grid Setting


The user can control mesh numbers and Oil Hole & Groove Effects.


Figure 1  Mesh Grid Setting dialog box


     Mesh Grid on Base (default): Mesh grid are distributed on the inner surface of base body (outer body).

     Mesh Grid on Action: Mesh grid are distributed on the outer surface of action body (inner body).

     Axial Node No.: “M”

     Circumference Node No.: “N”


Figure 2  Defining Circumference Node No. and Axial Node No.


     Oil Hole & Groove Effects Setting

Figure 3  Oil Hole & Groove Effects Setting dialog box


Figure 4  Defining Oil hole and Groove region


    Type: Defines a shape of oil hole and groove effects.

    Angle Pos.: Defines a center position of the angle.

    Axial Pos.: Defined a center position of the axial.

    Angle Gap: Defines a gap of the angle.

    Axial Gap: Defines a gap of the axial.

    Pressure Type: Define pressure value on oil hole and groove region with constant value or time dependent expression.

    Pressure: Defines the pressure value.

    Color: Displays the selected nodes as this color if the user checks View Nodes.

    View Nodes: Shows the selected nodes in the Working Window.


Figure 5  View Nodes


    Update Selected Nodes: The position of Oil Hole and Groove is changed.