Material Property


The Material Property dialog box is shown clicking Material Property in the Beam Belt dialog box. And the parameters are explained below.


Figure 1  Material Property dialog box


     Damping Ratio(img11.gif): Defines the damping ratio. It has the structural damping ratio of the belt. The damping matrix of C is computed from the following equation.



     Young's Modulus: Defines the young's modulus of belt

     Shear Modulus: Defines the shear modulus of belt

     Poisson’s Ratio: Defines the poisson's ratio of belt.

     Update Material property: Automatically calculate the:

    Moment of area

    Cross section area: This option is inactive in the V type.

    Shear Area Factor (Asy, Asz)

    Stress Recovery Points (C,D,E,F)


     Ixx, Iyy, Izz: Defines the moment of area of belt.

     Shear Area Factor : Defines the shear area factor Asy and Asz.

     Cross section area: Defines the cross section area of belt.

     Stress Recovery Points : Defines the stress/strain recovery points C,D,E, and F of the FFlex/Beam2 element


Figure 2  Stress Recovery Points C, D, E, and F



In order to improve the analysis performance of Timing Belt, the value of "Moment of Area" and the value of "Cross Section Area" have to be set as accurately as possible according to belt profile.