Loads USUB


Figure 1  Nodal Force icon in the Working Plane


Figure 2  Loads USUB icon of the Flex group in the Flexible tab


Figure 3  Loads USUB dialog box 


     Node Set: Defines a node set.

     Report Nodes: Defines the report nodes. The reaction force for each node can be reported in RPLT as many as the user define. If the check box is unchecked, there is no node data in RPLT.

     Base Body Name (Rigid only): The Ground is selected as a default. Only rigid body, Ground, or Mother Body can be supported. If the Nodal Force is defined with an especial rigid body, this option must be used in order to apply a reaction force of the Nodal Force to the selected rigid body.

     Name of User Subroutine: Shows the name of a defined user subroutine.

     Parameter of User Subroutine: Shows the list of parameters used in user subroutine.

     DLL Name of User Subroutine: Shows the name of DLL defined user-written subroutine. To see Nodal Force subroutine, click here.