License Control


It allows the user to check the total used licenses in real-time and the user information.


Figure 1  License Control icon in the License Control group of the Home tab


Figure 2  License Control dialog box


     License Info.: Shows information about the licenses connected to the current RecurDyn. This can be updated by clicking Update.

    Toolkit Name: Shows all toolkit names in the license file.

    Used (Total Count): Shows the current status of used licenses and the number of total licenses.


     Detail: Shows the detail information of the selected toolkit in the license information list.

    User Name: Shows the user name that uses a selected toolkit.

    Machine Name: Shows the machine name that uses a selected toolkit.

    Server Name: Shows the name of the server that provides the selected license.

    Count: Shows the number of licenses in use.


     License On/Off: Controls toolkit licenses in real-time by clicking the red button.