

This allows the user to check whether the selected entities interfere or not.


Figure 1  Interference icon in the Measure group of the Home tab


Figure 2  Interference dialog box


     First Entity: Inputs the name of a first entity as a solid, a surface, or a curve to check interference.

     Second Entity: Inputs the name of a second entity as a solid, a surface, or a curve to check interference.

     Interference Type Info.: Shows the information for interference checking results.

Figure 3  Interference Type Info. dialog box


     Result: Displays the interference type.

    No Interference: There is no interference between two entities.

    Interference: There is an interference between two entities.

    Interference (Contact): Two entities are on contact each other.


Step to Check Interference between two geometries

1.  Click Gr to select the First Entity.

2.  Select an entity for the First Entity.

3.  Click Gr to select the Second Entity.

4.  Select an entity for the Second Entity.

5.  Click Calculate.